Our History
Memories from Mom
Phil and Bruce's Mother, Bertie Vogel, reminisces about her husband and founder of the company, Cobb Vogel:
"I remember on auction that was once scheduled; it was out in the country and most of the antiques and household furnishing were stored in a large barn that was on a three acre tract that was all grown up with weeds. It was told that rattlesnakes were abundant there, so Cobb hired a man to mow all around and he contacted a doctor to gain knowledge if anyone came in contact with a rattlesnake and got a serum to use in case of a bite and then to come to the Doctor's office. But fortunately nothing happened."
"Also, when he first started the auction sales, items like old cupboards and ice boxes sold for $50.00 to $100.00, but in the later years sold for $400.00-$600.00."
"Once Cobb had an auction in a large, old farmhouse for an elderly couple. When they were moving the items out for the sale they rolled up a rug that covered the living room floor. Under the rug they had placed $20.00 bills all around. There was more than $800.00 in $20.00 bills under it. Many people didn't believe in banks at that time."
"There are many memories of auctions where precious things like handmade quilts kept bidding brisk for amounts up to $400.00."
"Auctioneering was not work for Cobb Vogel. It was entirely a joy to auction. He kept the people on their toes during each auction by his joking as he called out the bids."

Vogel Auction in the 1960s

Cobb Vogel in the 1960s

Vogel Auction in the 1970s

Cobb Vogel in the 1980s

Cobb and Phil Vogel at a Charity Auction

Cobb Vogel in Action